The machine is designed and built for automatic assembly of sapphires and bushings on diaphragms.

The feeding of the diaphragms, sapphires and bushings is done automatically by the machine.

Provision is also made for hot or cold caulking, by means of a punch, of the edge where the bush lodges in order to ensure its clamping inside the disc.

The finished product undergoes a camera inspection and depending on the quality of the assembly is sorted into finished and scrap products.

The part is moved through the work stations by a rotary table.

The finished product undergoes a camera inspection and depending on the quality of the assembly is sorted into finished and scrap products.

Assembled product

The gallery

Technical features

langENProduct dimensions-
langENCadence (piece / hour)1000
langENComponents assembled3
langENProduct types-
langENOperators in charge1
langENProduct change20 min.